Hua Man, a PhD student of WHU, won the IAGA Early Career Award-as the only winner of this award in this year
Author锛欰dministrator Source锛歸ebsite Time锛?021-09-08 12:00:00
On Aug. 25, 2021, Man Hua, a PhD student from Electronic Information School has won the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) Early Career Award to acknowledge her outstanding scientific studies and presentations in the online virtual conference of the 9th VLF/ELF Remote Sensing of Ionospheres and Magnetospheres (VERSIM) workshop. Man Hua is the only winner of this award in this year, and also the first student in our university that has received this international award.
When she was a PhD student, Man Hua’s research interests mainly focus on the Earth’s radiation belt electron dynamics and wave-particle interactions. Under the supervision of Professor Ni, she has made a series of innovative academic achievements including publishing 15 SCI papers. She has published 5 papers as the first author on Nature Communications and Geophysical Research Letters (GRL), which have been acknowledged by international scholars. The paper published on GRL in 2019 titled “Evolution of radiation belt electron pitch angle distribution due to combined scattering by plasmaspheric hiss and magnetosonic waves” improved the current understanding of the combined scattering effects of wave-particle interactions in the radiation belt, which has been elected into annually SCI highly cited papers. The paper published on Nature Communications in 2020 titled“Very-Low-Frequency transmitters bifurcate energetic electron belt in near-earth space” illustrates the important progress of the study of the impact of human activity on the Earth’s radiation environment, which has been reported on the official Wuhan University News website.
Man Hua is an outstanding PhD student, who has won the Outstanding Young Scientist Oral Presentation Award in the 10th National Space Weather Seminar in China (2016), the Outstanding Student Presentation Award in the AGU Fall meeting in the U.S. (2019, the only winner from China in Space Physics and Aeronomy Section), the Excellent Poster Presentation Award in the 9th VERSIM Workshop in Japan (2020), and the Outstanding Student Presentation Award in the Annual Meeting of CGU in China (2020).
The IAGA Early Career Award aims to recognize, motivate and acknowledge the excellent and promising young scientists, who satisfy the meetings’ requirements by their research, presentation and overall performance at the topical meetings and show big potential for the development of IAGA. Typically, 3 to 5 recipients will be granted the award annually.