Time: 10:00 a.m August 13, 2023
Place:Lecture Hall, 5th Floor, School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University
Speaker:Wang Dedong
The PAGER project provides space weather predictions initiated from observations on the Sun to predict radiation in space and its effects on satellite infrastructure. Real-time predictions and a historical record of the dynamics of the cold plasma density and ring current allow for the evaluation of surface charging, and predictions of relativistic electron fluxes allow for the evaluation of deep dielectric charging. The project provides a 1-2 day probabilistic forecast of ring current and radiation belt environments, which allow satellite operators to respond to predictions that present a significant threat. As a backbone of the project, we use the most advanced codes that currently exist and adapt existing codes to perform ensemble simulations and uncertainty quantifications. This project includes a number of innovative tools including data assimilation and uncertainty quantification, new models of near-Earth electromagnetic wave environment, ensemble predictions of solar wind parameters at L 1, and data-driven forecast of the geomangetic Kp index and plasma density. The developed codes may be used in the future for realistic modeling of extreme space weather events. The PAGER consortium is made up of leading academic and industry experts in space weather research, space physics, empirical data modeling, and space environment effects on spacecraft from Europe and the US.
Biography: Dedong Wang is a researcher at the Helmholtz Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) in Germany. In 2009, I graduated from the Physics Base Class of Wuhan University. In December 2014, I received my doctorate degree in space physics from Wuhan University. After that, I worked as a postdoctoral fellow in Wuhan University for two years, mainly studying the spatial distribution and excitation mechanism of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the Earth's inner magnetosphere. In 2017, he joined the Helmholtz Research Center for Earth Sciences in Germany to work on radiation belt modeling. In 2022, he received a tenured research position at the Institute and was promoted to head of the Wave-Particle Interaction Research Group in the Space Physics and Space Weather Department. Published more than 60 SCI papers, h-index 25. As a reviewer for JGR, GRL, Science in China, EPP and other journals. He won the Outstanding Young Paper Award of the 3rd Global Chinese Space Weather Conference and the Outstanding Young Paper Award of the 2015 China Geophysical Annual Conference. He won the 2019 Young Scientist Award of the Helmholtz Geoscience Research Center and the 2020 Young Scientist Award of the International Radio Association. He chaired the National Natural Science Foundation youth project "Electromagnetic ion cyclotron Wave in the inner magnetosphere". He is the convener of the magnetospheric Ionospheric Coupling sub-conference of AOGS, EGU and other international conferences.
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